About Us
With you in mind, Amelia Rita has strived to create unique products that you can enjoy for a lifetime.
Our own Creative Surface patterns are now being printed on leather used in making handbags. This makes our handbag designs a One-Of-A-Kind very different from the rest. The designs used for printing are not selected from a catalogue of designs. We hand draw and create our own motifs or patterns and apply the designs on to the highest quality leathers found in the market.
That is why purchasing our special products gives each individual a personal style which is uniquely you. When added to a personal wardrobe, your look will leave your friends and relatives wondering how you did it and where did you find such exquisite bags. You can now enjoy a style that is not mass produced in a factory where there are 50,000 to 100,000 other handbags just like it. And you no longer have to buy a labeled item to be assured of quality. We have it all. A unique style, quality made at limited quantities with orders made one at a time when you choose your next purchase. Amelia Rita Handbags is giving you the freedom to be YOU regardless of who you are and where you are.
Our traditional bags are still available in designs of many types. Traditionally, we have been creating a style of custom handbags which is architectural in nature made from the finest leathers on the market. Many of these handbags incorporate semi-structured techniques giving a firm structure where needed along with soft flexibility in other areas which allow our bags to have a loving hug to your body. These bags are made from a very soft Italian leather which is custom embossed and printed. Styles range from day bags, to grab and go bags, to evening or special occasion bags. Our bags also come in different sizes so you can find that exact small bag that you want when out on a quick run, or a large-scale tote bag for shopping. All styled and made to meet your needs with the quality that you want.
Of course we can still add our patterns to many other material types such as on our canvas totes and backpacks. Some clutch bags and even other bags used in many different functions.
We haven’t just stopped at handbags. Our patterns are added to numerus products also available on site to see and purchase in our surface design section. See our array of Tea Towels, Scarfs, and many personal items.
The designer’s name is Rita Scholz, who has worked within the Design Industry for over 40 years.
We hope you enjoy our designs and live with our Moto:
Enjoy our moto: living with art that makes you, your own person.